Thursday, June 21, 2001

...if you want the fairy tale, you have to end it... (english) usted desea el cuento de hadas, usted tiene que terminarlo... (spanish) vous voulez le conte de fées, vous devez le terminer... (french)

...wenn sie die fairy geschichte wünschen, müssen sie es beenden... (german) desiderate il racconto fairy, dovete concluderli... (italian)

god i love babelfish. probably the most fun is translating their translations back to english. for instance, their translation of my fairy tale line into italian is "se desiderate il racconto fairy, dovete concluderli." if i translate the italian phrase back into english, i now have "if wished the story fairy, you must concluderli." concluderli? from the german? "if they require fairy history, they must terminate it." wow...sounds harsh! french was pretty close with "if you want the fairy tale, you must it finish." spanish wasn't far off either with "if you wish the fairy tale, you must finish it."

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