Saturday, June 11, 2011

migraine season is just getting to be too annoying for words. if you go to an ER because the pain threatens to bore a hole in your head (by you), they tell you "well we know it's a migraine. we could give you a ct scan (again with the "i've had so many for so many things that i can be seen in other solar systems"...if it were still "2010," perhaps i could be that "second sun" that emerges at the end of the movie) but we know it's just a migraine. and the only things we can give you, you are allergic to and we can't give you narcotics."

i get so few migraines this bad a year that so WHAT if they give me a shot of a narcotic 4-5 times a year. but illinois they now shove a sheet of paper in your hands about things you can take there...and get this...HALDOL is on that sheet. yes, haldol...the major antipsychotic tranquilizer that can cause you neurological tics, uncontrollable drooling, and as close to the "thorazine shuffle" as you can get without taking actual thorazine. sure, that would probably make it sure wouldn't remember the migraine. hell, you wouldn't even remember your name...

i'm allergic to, yes, benedryl [sp?], all the triptans (immetrix, etc), fact if the migraine abortant, fioricet, doesn't work for me, i'm screwed. my former go to drug midrin is off the market due to it never going through the FDA's efficacy tests (safety, yes, efficacy, no) because it's like 900 years old and there's SO MUCH efficacy ad hoc tests due to it being used SUCCESSFULLY for 900 years and the FDA didn't even have that as a rule (let alone when it went on the market...but, no, off the market because no one can afford to do the two year efficacy test (the only makers were generics because the patent was LONG gone), which would require it to be taken off the market while the tests were done, and then after that would simply allow all the other generics to manufacture it without paying...and no, we live in the world where they all just won't share cost so that they can all profit share...because there will always be ANOTHER generic that didn't play along to go run it for less....

and...blah, blah, blah, blah...

so i'm just sitting here with my head about to implode and trying to do anything to take my mind off of this because i can't sleep because fioricet has what in it? caffeine. and my head still pounds because it's storming and my head hates that. and i hate that. and i know better than to waste my time at the ER because they are jackasses (and i LOVE going there on a weekend night waiting in the waiting room forever with screaming and laughing drunks who fell and hit their heads while walking and are triaged before me because...well they hit their heads rather than the inside of their heads hitting them over and over and over...

so my choices are...stay up through the pain until i pass out from exhaustion...or go to the ER and get treated like a drug addict because i'm allergic to everything they give on their "list" for migraines...and that's all KINDS of fun...

lecture? or stay here and save the $40 in cab fare? oh as if i'm gonna get a cab at 2:45 am here within 3 hours...

guess i'm staying here.

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